Sunday, January 9, 2011

Well today I have decided to add myself to the world of blogging. I have always had the gift to create things that I wanted . When I was a child I would see dolls or stuffed toys that I desired and then I would come up with a way to create it. I remember this one puppy dog that I made with old wash clothes and I would come home everyday and be so excited about what I had created. I even made dolls and sold them at the corner card store when I was about 10 , so yes this creative itch has always been in me. As I got older I dabbled in hair, jewelry and even cooking different dishes as well as candy making. My family says I get this talent from my Nana , who was a great women . She would sew, cook, can veggies and fruits and they even had a small farm and I hear that the garden that she and my pop-pop kept was the talk of the town. She would always show me how to make things, she taught me how to sow by hand  . As I look back on things I really didn't have the patients to learn allot of things. Now as I get older and have a little bit more patients I can carry out allot of my childhood dreams to do allot of the crafts I never thought I could do. I am now excited about crocheting and sewing. I usually sew free hand ( without a pattern) but I am trying to understand and follow a pattern so I can expand my new fashion line STUDIO 609. Studio 609 will consist of clothing for women, accessories for men , babies and  items for around the home . I am excited to share my journey with you and will tune you in on my new items as well as where to buy them . Stay tuned for some items as well as some tutorials to come in the near future.


  1. Congratulations on your first Blog! Always happy to support you & your family. :)
